Pierre Zemb's Blog

Diving into Kafka's Protocol

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kafka image

Diving Into is a blogpost serie where we are digging a specific part of of the project's basecode. In this episode, we will digg into Kafka's protocol.

🔗The protocol reference

For the last few months, I worked a lot around Kafka's protocols, first by creating a fully async Kafka to Pulsar Proxy in Rust, and now by contributing directly to KoP (Kafka On Pulsar). The full Kafka Protocol documentation is available here, but it does not offer a global view of what is happening for a classic Producer and Consumer exchange. Let's dive in!

🔗Common handshake

After a client established the TCP connection, there is a few common requests and responses that are almost always here.

The common handhake can be divided in three parts:

All exchange are based between a Kafka 2.0 cluster and client.

All the following diagrams are generated with MermaidJS.


    Note left of KafkaClient: I'm speaking Kafka <br/> 2.3,but can the <br/> broker understand <br/> me?

    KafkaClient ->>+ Broker0: API_VERSIONS request

    Note right of Broker0: I can handle theses <br/> structures in theses <br/>versions: ...
    Broker0 ->>- KafkaClient: 

    Note left of KafkaClient: Thanks!<br/> I see you can handle <br/> SASL, let's auth! <br/> can you handle <br/> SASL_PLAIN?
    KafkaClient ->>+ Broker0: SASL_HANDSHAKE request

    Note right of Broker0: Yes I can handle <br/> SASL_PLAIN <br/> among others
    Broker0 ->>- KafkaClient: 

    Note left of KafkaClient: Awesome, here's <br/> my credentials!
    KafkaClient ->>+ Broker0: SASL_AUTHENTICATE request

    Note right of Broker0: Checking...
    Note right of Broker0: You are <br/>authenticated!
    Broker0 ->>- KafkaClient: 

    Note left of KafkaClient: Cool! <br/> Can you give <br/> the cluster topology?<br/> I want to <br/> use 'my-topic'
    KafkaClient ->>+ Broker0: METADATA request

    Note right of Broker0: There is one topic <br/> with one partition<br/> called 'my-topic'<br/>The partition's leader <br/> is Broker0
    Broker0 ->>- KafkaClient: 

Note left of KafkaClient: That is you, I don't <br/> need to handshake <br/> again with <br/> another broker


The PRODUCE API is used to send message sets to the server. For efficiency it allows sending message sets intended for many topic partitions in a single request.


    Note over KafkaClient,Broker0: ...handshaking, see above...

    loop pull msg
        Note left of KafkaClient: I have a batch <br/> containing one <br/> message for the <br/> partition-0 <br/> of 'my-topic'
        KafkaClient ->>+ Broker0: PRODUCE request

        Note right of Broker0: Processing...<br/>
        Note right of Broker0: Done!
        Broker0 ->>- KafkaClient: 
        Note left of KafkaClient: Thanks


Consuming is more complicated than producing. You can learn more in The Magical Group Coordination Protocol of Apache Kafka By Gwen Shapira, Principal Data Architect @ Confluent and also in the Kafka Client-side Assignment Proposal.

Consuming can be divided in three parts:

For the sake of the explanation, we have now another Broker1 which is holding the coordinator for topic 'my-topic'. In real-life, it would be the same.


    Note over KafkaClient,Broker0: ...handshaking, see above...

    Note left of KafkaClient: Who is the <br/> coordinator for<br/> 'my-topic'?
    KafkaClient ->>+ Broker0: FIND_COORDINATOR request

    Note right of Broker0: It is Broker1!
    Broker0 ->>- KafkaClient: 

    Note left of KafkaClient: OK, let's connect<br/> to Broker1
    Note over KafkaClient,Broker1: ...handshaking, see above...

    Note left of KafkaClient: Hi, I want to join a <br/> consumption group <br/>for 'my-topic'
    KafkaClient ->>+ Broker1: JOIN_GROUP request

    Note right of Broker1: Welcome! I will be <br/> waiting a bit for any <br/>of your friends.
    Note right of Broker1: You are now leader. <br/>Your group contains <br/> only one member.<br/> You now  need to <br/> assign partitions to <br/> them. 
    Broker1 ->>- KafkaClient: 

    Note left of KafkaClient: Computing <br/>the assigment...
    Note left of KafkaClient: Done! I will be <br/> in charge of handling <br/> partition-0 of <br/>'my-topic'
    KafkaClient ->>+ Broker1: SYNC_GROUP request

    Note right of Broker1: Thanks, I will <br/>broadcast the <br/>assigmnents to <br/>everyone
    Broker1 ->>- KafkaClient: 

    Note left of KafkaClient: Can I get the <br/> committed offsets <br/> for partition-0<br/>for my consumer<br/>group?
    KafkaClient ->>+ Broker1: OFFSET_FETCH request

    Note right of Broker1: Found no <br/>committed offset<br/> for partition-0
    Broker1 ->>- KafkaClient: 

    Note left of KafkaClient: Thanks, I will now <br/>connect to Broker0

    Note over KafkaClient,Broker0: ...handshaking again...

    opt if new consumer-group
        Note left of KafkaClient: Can you give me<br/> the earliest position<br/> for partition-0?
        KafkaClient ->>+ Broker0: LIST_OFFSETS request
        Note right of Broker0: Here's the earliest <br/> position: ...
        Broker0 ->>- KafkaClient: 
    loop pull msg

        opt Consume
            Note left of KafkaClient: Can you give me<br/> some messages <br/> starting  at offset X?
            KafkaClient ->>+ Broker0: FETCH request

            Note right of Broker0: Here some records...
            Broker0 ->>- KafkaClient: 

            Note left of KafkaClient: Processing...
            Note left of KafkaClient: Can you commit <br/>offset X?
            KafkaClient ->>+ Broker1: OFFSET_COMMIT request

            Note right of Broker1: Committing...
            Note right of Broker1: Done!
            Broker1 ->>- KafkaClient: 

        Note left of KafkaClient: I need to send <br/> some lifeness proof <br/> to the coordinator           
        opt Healthcheck
            Note left of KafkaClient: I am still alive!  
            KafkaClient ->>+ Broker1: HEARTBEAT request
            Note right of Broker1: I hear you
            Broker1 ->>- KafkaClient: 

Thank you for reading my post! Feel free to react to this article, I am also available on Twitter if needed.

Tags: #diving-into #kafka #protocol