Pierre Zemb's Blog

Diving into ETCD's linearizable reads

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Diving Into is a blogpost serie where we are digging a specific part of the project's basecode. In this episode, we will digg into the implementation behind ETCD's Linearizable reads.

🔗What is ETCD?

From the official website:

etcd is a strongly consistent, distributed key-value store that provides a reliable way to store data that needs to be accessed by a distributed system or cluster of machines. It gracefully handles leader elections during network partitions and can tolerate machine failure, even in the leader node.

ETCD is well-known to be Kubernetes's datastore, and a CNCF incubating project.


Let's quote Kyle Kingsbury, a.k.a "Aphyr", for this one:

Linearizability is one of the strongest single-object consistency models, and implies that every operation appears to take place atomically, in some order, consistent with the real-time ordering of those operations: e.g., if operation A completes before operation B begins, then B should logically take effect after A.


ETCD is using Raft, a consensus algorithm at his core. As always, the devil is hidden in the details, or when things are going wrong. Here's an example:

  1. node1 is leader and heartbeating properly to node2 and node3,
  2. network partition is happening, and node1 is isolated from the others.

At this moment, all the actions are depending on timeouts and settings. In a (close) future, all nodes will go into election mode and node 2 and 3 will be able to create a quorum. This can lead to this situation:

This situation is violating Linearizable reads, as reads going through node1 will not see the last updates from the current leader.

How can we solve this? One way is to use ReadIndex!


The basic idea behind this is to confirm that the leader is true leader or not by sending a message to the followers. If a majority of responses are healthy, then the leader can safely serve the reads. Let's dive into the implementation!

All codes are from the current latest release v3.4.13.

Let's take a Range operation:

 if !r.Serializable {
  err = s.linearizableReadNotify(ctx)
  trace.Step("agreement among raft nodes before linearized reading")
  if err != nil {
   return nil, err

func (s *EtcdServer) linearizableReadNotify(ctx context.Context) error {
 nc := s.readNotifier

 // signal linearizable loop for current notify if it hasn't been already
 select {
 case s.readwaitc <- struct{}{}:

 // wait for read state notification
 select {
 case <-nc.c:
  return nc.err
 case <-ctx.Done():
  return ctx.Err()
 case <-s.done:
  return ErrStopped

So in linearizableReadNotify, we are waiting for a signal. readwaitc is used in another goroutine called linearizableReadLoop. This goroutines will call this:

func (n *node) ReadIndex(ctx context.Context, rctx []byte) error {
 return n.step(ctx, pb.Message{Type: pb.MsgReadIndex, Entries: []pb.Entry{{Data: rctx}}})

that will create a MsgReadIndex message that will be handled in stepLeader, who will send the message to the followers, like this:

 case pb.MsgReadIndex:
  // If more than the local vote is needed, go through a full broadcast,
  // otherwise optimize.
  if !r.prs.IsSingleton() {
      // PZ: omitting some code here
   switch r.readOnly.option {
   case ReadOnlySafe:
    r.readOnly.addRequest(r.raftLog.committed, m)
    // The local node automatically acks the request.
    r.readOnly.recvAck(r.id, m.Entries[0].Data)
   case ReadOnlyLeaseBased:
    ri := r.raftLog.committed
    if m.From == None || m.From == r.id { // from local member
     r.readStates = append(r.readStates, ReadState{Index: ri, RequestCtx: m.Entries[0].Data})
    } else {
     r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgReadIndexResp, Index: ri, Entries: m.Entries})

So, the leader is sending a heartbeat in ReadOnlySafe mode. Turns out there is two modes:

const (
 // ReadOnlySafe guarantees the linearizability of the read only request by
 // communicating with the quorum. It is the default and suggested option.
 ReadOnlySafe ReadOnlyOption = iota
 // ReadOnlyLeaseBased ensures linearizability of the read only request by
 // relying on the leader lease. It can be affected by clock drift.
 // If the clock drift is unbounded, leader might keep the lease longer than it
 // should (clock can move backward/pause without any bound). ReadIndex is not safe
 // in that case.

Responses from the followers will be handled here:

 case pb.MsgHeartbeatResp:
  // PZ: omitting some code here
  rss := r.readOnly.advance(m)
  for _, rs := range rss {
   req := rs.req
   if req.From == None || req.From == r.id { // from local member
    r.readStates = append(r.readStates, ReadState{Index: rs.index, RequestCtx: req.Entries[0].Data})
   } else {
    r.send(pb.Message{To: req.From, Type: pb.MsgReadIndexResp, Index: rs.index, Entries: req.Entries})

We are storing things into a ReadState:

// ReadState provides state for read only query.
// It's caller's responsibility to call ReadIndex first before getting
// this state from ready, it's also caller's duty to differentiate if this
// state is what it requests through RequestCtx, eg. given a unique id as
// RequestCtx
type ReadState struct {
 Index      uint64
 RequestCtx []byte

Now that the state has been updated, we need to unblock our linearizableReadLoop:

  for !timeout && !done {
   select {
   case rs = <-s.r.readStateC:

Cool, another channel! Turns out, readStateC is updated in one of the main goroutine:

// start prepares and starts raftNode in a new goroutine. It is no longer safe
// to modify the fields after it has been started.
func (r *raftNode) start(rh *raftReadyHandler) {
 internalTimeout := time.Second

 go func() {
  defer r.onStop()
  islead := false

  for {
   select {
   case <-r.ticker.C:
   case rd := <-r.Ready():
    // PZ: omitting some code here
    if len(rd.ReadStates) != 0 {
     select {
     case r.readStateC <- rd.ReadStates[len(rd.ReadStates)-1]:

Perfect, now readStateC is notified, and we can continue on linearizableReadLoop:

  if ai := s.getAppliedIndex(); ai < rs.Index {
   select {
   case <-s.applyWait.Wait(rs.Index):
   case <-s.stopping:
  // unblock all l-reads requested at indices before rs.Index

The first part is a safety measure to makes sure the applied index is lower that the index stored in ReadState. And then finally we are unlocking all pending reads 🤩

🔗One more thing: Follower read

We went through stepLeader a lot, be there is something interesting in stepFollower:

 case pb.MsgReadIndex:
  if r.lead == None {
   r.logger.Infof("%x no leader at term %d; dropping index reading msg", r.id, r.Term)
   return nil
  m.To = r.lead

This means that a follower can send a MsgReadIndex message to perform the same kind of checks than a leader. This small features is in fact enabling follower-reads on ETCD 🤩 That is why you can see Range requests from a follower.

🔗operational tips

  "level": "info",
  "ts": "2020-08-12T08:24:56.181Z",
  "caller": "traceutil/trace.go:145",
  "msg": "trace[677217921] range",
  "detail": "{range_begin:/...redacted...; range_end:; response_count:1; response_revision:2725080604; }",
  "duration": "1.553047811s",
  "start": "2020-08-12T08:24:54.628Z",
  "end": "2020-08-12T08:24:56.181Z",
  "steps": [
    "trace[677217921] 'agreement among raft nodes before linearized reading'  (duration: 1.534322015s)" 

Thank you for reading my post! feel free to react to this article, I'm also available on Twitter if needed.

Tags: #distributed #etcd #raft #consensus #storage #diving